Thursday, October 27, 2011

cupcake for dinner

I have a confession.

Tonight, at 5:15pm, instead of pulling out my cheese and crackers and greek yogurt, I went downstairs to Crumbs and bought a Halloween themed cupcake and ate it for dinner.  Well, half of it.  The other half is still in the fridge at work.  And I'll be eating it tomorrow.  And it is kind of gross.  But I seriously don't care.  See picture to the left--it's the chocolate one that looks like a hostess cupcake with swirls!

Sometimes, you just need a cupcake for dinner.  It's been a long week, and it's going to be a long weekend...kind of bittersweet with BF moving an hour away and the realization of homework.  So, I'm not going to feel guilty, and I'm not going to gym, on principle (and because I don't have time).

Just had to share :)  Yum.

Sidenote: I am aware that cheese and crackers and greek yogurt doesn't sound like dinner, but sometimes I run out of options!  A money saver for me is bringing breakfast, lunch, and dinner to work--saves so much money when the average DC lunch is $12-15!  If you want a great food blog with awesome dinner recipes, I'm not the blog since I'm never home to cook.  (It's on my someday list).  But definitely visit my friend and coworker's new blog:

1 comment:

  1. it happens!!! heather and i ate candy and crap all day yesterday and i didn't do my long run.. i napped... it was glorious <3
