Sunday, October 2, 2011

the week ahead: october 2

Happy October!  I decided to start my "do it all dc" blog this month because of a couple of reasons:

1) Fall is my favorite season--leaves are turning, pumpkin spice lattes are spicing, and I'm generally getting into the swing of things with all of my committments in school, work, volunteering, and representing the Bryce Harlow Foundation as a fellow.

2) I've been thinking about starting this blog for a long time now, finally took the time to do it, and it happens to be October!

3) People ask me all the time "how do you do it all?" and this is the best way to explain how it all works!

This week, like all weeks, I work 40 + hours as Program Associate for a corporate government relations office.  What does that mean?  I am the liaison to our Foundation, the community in DC, manage all of our charitable donations and participation in events in the area, manage a few of our grassroots programs with our PAC Manager, and help the Vice President with whatever comes up.  I also manage our intern, which is great this "semester" because she's efficient, positive, and effective.

I am participating in a conference call with The Tenfold Forty, a DC-based nonprofit of "forty women giving back tenfold" by raising money, volunteering in the community, and hosting events to raise awareness of HPV-caused cervical cancer.  I'm not on the board, but will likely run for a position on it next year.  I was invited by the President and one of my best friends to join their call on corporate fundraising.  We need to establish a plan to raise $10,000--last year we raised $8,000, so we're looking to get some corporate sponsorships this year.  I have a lot of experience with that and am happy to help.  There is a meeting Wednesday night--we have monthly meetings--which I will have to miss for class (you can already see how it all double booked!), and an all-day volunteer event with them on Saturday which I am attending.

I also have class at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy Wednesday night (Strategic Management for Nonprofits) and Thursday night (Microeconomic Policy Analysis).  Thursday night before class, I'm participating in "Meet your PSGA week"--that's Policy Student Government Association, and yes I'm on the student government as Part Time Student Liaison acting as the voice of part time students like myself.

Socially, I am taking my boyfriend, his brother and his brother's friend, and another friend of ours to a Washington Capitals game on Saturday.  I just secured a new loge mini luxury box at the Verizon Center for my company and I'm still testing it out before our Vice President sees it.  Sunday, I'm going to a pumpkin carving party with some friends (it's BYOP--bring your own pumpkin--how cute!).

Busy week ahead, but I'm ready!

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